Paragraph Writing

For kids

Paragraph For Higher Classes Students
Our Classroom
The name of our Madrasah is Buriscahr Ziaul Ulum Kamil Madrasah. It is a four storeyed building. Our classroom is in the first floor of the building. It faces the south. It is a spacious room. It has two doors and eight windows. So, light and air can easily enter into the room. There are 20 low and 20 high benches. We sit on the low benches and keep our books on the high benches. There is a white board at the right corner of the room. There is also a chair and a table. The teacher sits on the chair and keeps his chalk, duster and other teaching aid on the table. We keep our classroom neat and clean. We always maintain discipline in the classroom. We like our classroom very much because it is the best comfortable learning place in the building.
Arsenic Pollution
Arsenic is one of the severe problem of Bangladesh. It is a very poisonous white compound of element. Arsenic polluted water which causes human death. The Toxic element is found in tube well water. The people of the affected areas suffer from serious skin disease. The people of North Bengal are the worst sufferers of arsenic pollution. People are affected by it only when they drink it. An arsenic affected man loses his stamina to work, and the skin of his palms legs and body become sore which leads to skin cancer. Arsenic is a silent human killer. If people use arsenic polluted regularly it mixed with our open source of water and pollute all kind of water. So, necessary steps should be taken to stop spreading this kind of problem. All kind of tube well must be examined by DPHE and if arsenic is found, drinking water from the tube well must be stopped. The tube well must be marked with redcross colour. Rain water is arsenic less. It is safe to drink. We can reserve rain water for our drinking. River and pond and well water is not polluted with arsenic. So, we can use it by boiling. We can make the water of river and pond drinkable by using filter.
A Rainy Day
A rainy day the sky covered with black clouds. If it so happens that it rains all day long. We call it a rainy day. In such a day, the sun not seen at all. The day looks dull and gloomy. Sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes it drizzles. Often there are flashes of lightning and roars of thunder in the sky. Birds are hardly seen to fly. They keep standing on the branches of tree. Cattle keep standing on their sheds. In such a day, people have to remain indoors. The road become almost muddy and desolate. One cannot move from one place to another easily. One does not generally come out without compulsion. The poor suffer much. They cannot go out to earn their daily bread. It is a great joy to the students. Because classes are not held that day. Some people then spend time in gossiping, playing with cards. After all a rainy day gives us both joy and sorrow. It comes to different classes of people in different way.
Importance of Learning English
English is an international language. No nation can do without it today. It is common communication system for the whole people in the world. A pilot or a stewardess a telephone operator or a turist guide must know English. Also a person who likes to get a job in a foreign office, in a post office or in a big hotel must know English. A post man must read foreign envelopes. A telephone operator must use English to make call to other countries. In an Airport a pilot or a stewardess must talk to foreigners in English. A foreign office cannot also function without English knowing people. Thus the importance of learning English cannot ignored in any way. So, every one of us should learn English.
Traffic Jam
Traffic Jam is a common affair in big cities and towns in our country. It is one of the major problem in our country. Everyday the city people have to face this unbearable problem. The density of population is the main cause of traffic jam. Sometimes it faces for the road accident. The vehicles are increasing day by day according to population. Increasing the number of buses, trucks autorickshaws, rickshaws is responsible for this problem. Moreover, the traffic control system is not developed in our country. The drivers want to drive their vehicles at their sweet will. Illegal parking of vehicles is also responsible for traffic jam. It causes untold sufferings to the movement of the vehicles and the passer-by. It kills our valuable time and our works are hampered. This problem can be solved by adopting some effective measures. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Well planned spacious roads should be constructed. Public awareness is also needed in this problem.
Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means planting trees in large number. Trees are very important to us in many ways. We cannot think of our existence without trees. Trees cover a great deal of our food deficiency by providing fruits and vitamins. They supply timber for various uses. Trees prevent soil erosion. Many kinds of medicines are prepared from leaves, roots and barks of trees. Above all, they help us to keep ecological balance supplying oxygen. Generally trees are planted in July and August. They can be planted in road sides and in all educational institutions. But our trees and forests are not sufficient in proportion to our total land area. To preserve our environment we should plant more and more trees. Government should encourage the people for plantation by various media.
Load Shedding
Load shedding means suspension of the supply of electricity for a certain period. It has become a regular affair in our country. Load shedding is caused for different causes. The insufficient production of electricity in our country is the main cause of load shedding. Misuse of electricity is the another cause. Illegal connection of electricity is also responsible for load shedding. On the other hand, government is not sincere to produce electricity in proportion to our demand. So due to load shedding production in mills and factories decreases. Fresh food taken in refrigerator gets rotten. Load shedding at night encourages the the miscreants in their violent works. It also disturbs the study of the students. After all, load shedding affects the economy of our country. So, our government should establish more plans and power houses to solve this problem. Illegal connection and system loss should also be stopped.
Environmental Pollution
Environment means which things are around us. Nature, land, air, water and all other things around us in which we live are called environment. Environmental pollution means a remarkable change in Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of environment. It has become a serious problem in our country. In our cities, the air constantly being polluted by smoke from factories and from carbon monoxide gases emitted from motor vehicles. The ground we walk on in both urban and rural areas, is polluted by uncollected garbage. Water is polluted particularly as a result of untreated sewage. Industrial waste and insecticides alarmingly pollute water. The another form of pollution is sound pollution. We have noise from motor vehicles, mills and factories, aeroplanes, domestic appliance, radio, cassette player and so on. The air we breath, the water we drink, the food we take are not always absolutely pure for health. Environmental pollution leads us to the way of death. So to live a happy and healthy life, environmental pollution must be checked. And for this effective steps should be taken immediately.
Acid Throwing
Acid Throwing is a social crime that is increasing day by day at a threatening rate. Women are mostly victim to it. Generally a young man throws acid at a young girl when she refuses to love him. Or it may happen when a dowry hunter husband throws acid on his wife. Acid damages the part of the body where it get and give the victim an indescribable feelings of pain anguish. It takes a long time to recover it. The damage of acid effected area is incurable. The area of the body becomes defective forever. Though the victim, however, recover from physical pain, the painful experience can never be forgotten. Government has taken some steps to prevent such inhuman act. We should work together to stop acid throwing.
May Day
May 1st is an international holiday of working people. It is the international Workers’ Day. It is celebrated with geat importance to commemorate the historic struggle of working people throughout the world. It is recognized in all the countries of the world. As a result of the sacrifice of the martyred workers in 1886, today workers enjoy all privileges. They have promoted the value of their lives. Today they have job security, safety laws and eight-hour working time. On May 3, 1886, Police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McComick Harvest Machine company, Chicago. On that fire a striker killed and five or six other were wounded and many of them injured. At that time people in factories had to work very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen or even more hours a day. May day has been a symbol for the worker all over the world. It is the day which inspires the workers to be united to realize their demands. However, May Day is the day of international unity of the working class People. The day reminds the workers to stand up against exploitation and to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives.
The Bee
The bee is a kind of insect. The bee takes honey from flowers. It sotres honey in the hive. It works hard. It is always busy. But it sits idle in the winter. It becomes active again in spring.
Water is liquid substance. It has no colour or taste of its own. Plants and animals cannot live without it. Water is life. It flows downwards. We get water from rain. There is water in well, tanks, rivers and seas. Pure water is good for our health. But impure water does us harm.
The Cat
The Cat is a pet animal. She is very gentle. She is also a common animal. She plays with our children. She sleeps in our beds. She likes to drink milk. She eats fish, rice and meat. She steals milk, fish, meat etc. from the meatsafe when feel hungry. Everyboy like it.
The Rose
The rose is a beautiful flower. It gives us sweet scent. It blooms all the year round. We get costly attar from the rose. It called the queen of flowers. Every body likes the rose.
Milk is liquid substance. It is a sweet drink. It is white in colour. It has all the qualities of food. Everybody like to drink milk. Men can live on milk. It nourishes our body. We boil it first and then we drink it. Many kinds of sweet are made from it. We get butter, ghee, and card from it. It is the best food for children. Realy, milk is an ideal food.
The Dog
The dog is a faithful animal. It is a fourfooted animal. He is devoted to his master. He is very bold. He guards his master's house. He barks of lie sees any strangers. He plays with the children. He never leaves his master. He follows the foot steps of his master. He is very dutiful.
Now a day paper is very useful thing. We write on paper. It is made of grass, rags, straw and bamboos. Fine paper is made in mills. Paper is very useful to us. Students, teachers, writers and poets use paper to write on it. It used to make books. It is used in offices, bank notes are made of paper.
Jute is a kind of fibre. We get it from from the bark of jute plant. It brings crores of taka to our country. It is our cash crop. It is called the golden firbre of Bangladesh. We use it in making clothes, paper, ropes, bags and mats etc.
My Garden
I have a flower garden. It is small. But it looks very beautiful. There are many scented flower in my garden. In lesure time I work in my garden. I remove the weeds. I keep the garden neat and clean. My garden refreshes my mind.
My Reading Room
My reading room is a small room. It faces the south. It has two doors and four windows. There is a chair, a table and a shelf in it. I sit on the chair. I keep the books on the table. I put other articles on the shelf. I keep the room neat and clean.
Rice is our main food. We get it from paddy. It grows in plenty in Bangladesh, India, China, Japan, and Myanmar. There are four kinds of rice in our country. They are Aush, Aman, Boro and IRRI. Aman is the best of all. We prepare Muri, Chira, Khai etc form Paddy. Farmers works hard to grow it.
