Voice Change with Examples

Examples of Present Indefinite Tense:
The Subject change into object and the object change into Subject. The principal verb converted to past participle form and am /is /are used before verb according to subject, a preposition by use before object.
Active Voice: I do the work.
Passive Voice: The work is done by me.
Active Voice: He does it.
Passive Voice:It is done by him.
Active Voice:I eat rice.
Passive Voice:Rice is eaten by me.
Active Voice:I wirte a letter.
Passive Voice:A letter is written by me.
Active Voice:Trina does the sum.
Passive Voice:The sum is done by Trina.
Active Voice:They play football.
Passive Voice:Football is played by them.
Active Voice:Bashir kills a snake.
Passive Voice:A Snake is killed by Bashir.
Active Voice:Dulal reads a play.
Passive Voice:A play is read by Dulal.
Active Voice:The cow eats grass.
Passive Voice:Grass is eaten by the cow.
Active Voice:He does not drive a car.
Passive Voice:A car is not driven by him.
Active Voice:Hasan does not dig a hole.
Passive Voice:A hole is not dug by Hasan.
Active Voice:He does not know you.
Passive Voice:You are not known to him.
Active Voice:The man builds a house.
Passive Voice:A house is built by the man.
Active Voice:We sing a Naat-e-Rasul.
Passive Voice:A Naat-e-Rasul is sung by us.
Active Voice:You fly a kite.
Passive Voice:A kite is flown by you.
Active Voice:The boy beats the dog.
Passive Voice:The dog is beaten by the boy.
Active Voice:The man help us.
Passive Voice:We are helped by the man.
Active Voice:My Father gives me a pen.
Passive Voice:I am given a pen by My Father.
Active Voice:The fishermen catch fishes in the pond.
Passive Voice:Fishes are caught by the fishermen in the pond.
Active Voice:Liton draws a picture.
Passive Voice:A picture is drawn by Liton.
Active Voice:Jamal buys a shirt from shopping malls.
Passive Voice:A shirt is bouhgt by Jamal form shopping malls.
Active Voice:The crow steals a piece of meat from a shop.
Passive Voice:A piece of meat is stolen by the crow from a shop.
Active Voice:The baby drinks a glass of milk.
Passive Voice:A glass of milk is drunk by the baby.
Active Voice:I see a beautiful bird on tree.
Passive Voice:A beautiful bird is seen by me on the tree.
Active Voice:The man tells a lie.
Passive Voice:A lie is told by the man.
Active Voice:He looks at the Moon.
Passive Voice:The mood is looked at by him.
Active Voice:Mother cooks food for her baby.
Passive Voice:Food is cooked by mother for her baby.
Active Voice:Rahim learns English.
Passive Voice:English is learnt by Rahim.

Structure:Subject (Object of Active voice) + am/is/are (according to subject and number) + Past pariticiple form of principal verb + by + object (subject of Active voice)
Examples of Present Continuous Tense:
The Subject change into ojbect and the object change into Subject. The principal verb converted to past participle form and am being/is being/are being used before verb according to subject, a preposition by use before object.
Active Voice: I am doing the work.
Passive Voice: The work is being done by me.
Active Voice: He is doing it.
Passive Voice:It is being done by him.
Active Voice:I am eating rice.
Passive Voice:Rice is being eaten by me.
Active Voice:You are wirting a letter.
Passive Voice:A letter is being written by you.
Active Voice:Trina is doing the sum.
Passive Voice:The sum is being done by Trina.
Active Voice:They are playing football.
Passive Voice:Football is being played by them.
Active Voice:Bashir is killing a snake.
Passive Voice:A Snake is being killed by Bashir.
Active Voice:Dulal is reading a play.
Passive Voice:A play is being read by Dulal.
Active Voice:The cow is eating grass.
Passive Voice:Grass is being eaten by the cow.
Active Voice:He is not driving a car.
Passive Voice:A car is not being driven by him.
Active Voice:Hasan is not digging a hole.
Passive Voice:A hole is not being dug by Hasan.
Active Voice:He is not knowing you.
Passive Voice:You are not being known to him.
Active Voice:The man is building a house.
Passive Voice:A house is being built by the man.
Active Voice:We are singing a Naat-e-Rasul.
Passive Voice:A Naat-e-Rasul is being sung by us.
Active Voice:You are flying a kite.
Passive Voice:A kite is being flown by you.
Active Voice:The boy is beating the dog.
Passive Voice:The dog is being beaten by the boy.
Active Voice:The man is helping us.
Passive Voice:We are being helped by the man.
Active Voice:My Father is giving me a pen.
Passive Voice:I am being given a pen by My Father.
Active Voice:The fishermen are catching fishes in the pond.
Passive Voice:Fishes are being caught by the fishermen in the pond.
Active Voice:Liton is drawing a picture.
Passive Voice:A picture is being drawn by Liton.
Active Voice:Jamal is buying a shirt from shopping malls.
Passive Voice:A shirt is being bouhgt by Jamal form shopping malls.
Active Voice:The crow is stealing a piece of meat from a shop.
Passive Voice:A piece of meat is being stolen by the crow from a shop.
Active Voice:The baby is drinking a glass of milk.
Passive Voice:A glass of milk is being drunk by the baby.
Active Voice:I am seeing a beautiful bird on tree.
Passive Voice:A beautiful bird is being seen by me on the tree.
Active Voice:The man is telling a lie.
Passive Voice:A lie is being told by the man.
Active Voice:He is looking at the Moon.
Passive Voice:The mood is being looked at by him.
Active Voice:Mother is cooking food for her baby.
Passive Voice:Food is being cooked by mother for her baby.
Active Voice:Rahim is learning English.
Passive Voice:English is being learnt by Rahim.

Structure:Subject (Object of Active voice) + am being/is being/are being (according to subject and number) + Past pariticiple form of principal verb + by + object (subject of Active voice)
Examples of Present Perfect Tense:
The Subject change into ojbect and the object change into Subject. The principal verb converted to past participle form and have been/has been used before verb according to subject, a preposition by use before object.
Active Voice: I have done the work.
Passive Voice: The work has been done by me.
Active Voice: He has done the sum.
Passive Voice:The sum has been done by him.
Active Voice:I have eaten rice.
Passive Voice:Rice has been eaten by me.
Active Voice:You have written a letter.
Passive Voice:A letter has been written by you.
Active Voice:Trina has done the sum.
Passive Voice:The sum has been done by Trina.
Active Voice:They have played football.
Passive Voice:Football has been played by them.
Active Voice:Bashir has killed a snake.
Passive Voice:A Snake has been killed by Bashir.
Active Voice:Dulal has read a play.
Passive Voice:A play has been read by Dulal.
Active Voice:The cow has eaten grass.
Passive Voice:Grass has been eaten by the cow.
Active Voice:He has not driven a car.
Passive Voice:A car has not been driven by him.
Active Voice:Hasan has not dug a hole.
Passive Voice:A hole has not been dug by Hasan.
Active Voice:He has not known you.
Passive Voice:You have not been known to him.
Active Voice:The man has built a house.
Passive Voice:A house has been built by the man.
Active Voice:We have sung a Naat-e-Rasul.
Passive Voice:A Naat-e-Rasul has been sung by us.
Active Voice:You have flown a kite.
Passive Voice:A kite has been flown by you.
Active Voice:The boy has beaten the dog.
Passive Voice:The dog has been beaten by the boy.
Active Voice:The man has helped us.
Passive Voice:We have been helped by the man.
Active Voice:My Father has given me a pen.
Passive Voice:I have been given a pen by My Father.
Active Voice:The fishermen have caught fishes in the pond.
Passive Voice:Fishes have been caught by the fishermen in the pond.
Active Voice:Liton has drawn a picture.
Passive Voice:A picture has been drawn by Liton.
Active Voice:Jamal has bought a shirt from shopping malls.
Passive Voice:A shirt has being bouhgt by Jamal form shopping malls.
Active Voice:The crow has stolen a piece of meat from a shop.
Passive Voice:A piece of meat has been stolen by the crow from a shop.
Active Voice:The baby has drunk a glass of milk.
Passive Voice:A glass of milk has been drunk by the baby.
Active Voice:I have seen a beautiful bird on tree.
Passive Voice:A beautiful bird has been seen by me on the tree.
Active Voice:The man has told a lie.
Passive Voice:A lie has been told by the man.
Active Voice:He has looked at the Moon.
Passive Voice:The mood has been looked at by him.
Active Voice:Mother has cooked food for her baby.
Passive Voice:Food has been cooked by mother for her baby.
Active Voice:Rahim has learnt English.
Passive Voice:English has been learnt by Rahim.

Structure:Subject (Object of Active voice) + have been/has been (according to subject and number) + Past pariticiple form of principal verb + by + object (subject of Active voice)
Examples of Present perfect continuous Tense:
The Subject change into ojbect and the object change into Subject. The principal verb converted to past participle form and have been being/has been being used before verb according to subject, a preposition by use before object.
Active Voice: I have been doing the work.
Passive Voice: The work has been being done by me.
Active Voice: He has been doing it.
Passive Voice:It has been being done by him.
Active Voice:I have been eating rice.
Passive Voice:Rice has been being eaten by me.
Active Voice:You have been wirting a letter.
Passive Voice:A letter has been being written by you.
Active Voice:Trina has been doing the sum.
Passive Voice:The sum has been being done by Trina.
Active Voice:They have been playing football.
Passive Voice:Football has been being played by them.
Active Voice:Bashir has been killing a snake.
Passive Voice:A Snake has been being killed by Bashir.
Active Voice:Dulal has been reading a play.
Passive Voice:A play has been being read by Dulal.
Active Voice:The cow has been eating grass.
Passive Voice:Grass has been being eaten by the cow.
Active Voice:He has not been driving a car.
Passive Voice:A car has not been being driven by him.
Active Voice:Hasan has not been digging a hole.
Passive Voice:A hole has not been being dug by Hasan.
Active Voice:He has not been knowing you.
Passive Voice:You has not been being known to him.
Active Voice:The man has been building a house.
Passive Voice:A house has been being built by the man.
Active Voice:We have been singing a Naat-e-Rasul.
Passive Voice:A Naat-e-Rasul has been being sung by us.
Active Voice:You have been flying a kite.
Passive Voice:A kite has been being flown by you.
Active Voice:The boy has been beating the dog.
Passive Voice:The dog has been being beaten by the boy.
Active Voice:The man has been helping us.
Passive Voice:We have been being helped by the man.
Active Voice:My Father has been giving me a pen.
Passive Voice:I have been being given a pen by My Father.
Active Voice:The fishermen have been catching fishes in the pond.
Passive Voice:Fishes have been being caught by the fishermen in the pond.
Active Voice:Liton has been drawing a picture.
Passive Voice:A picture has been being drawn by Liton.
Active Voice:Jamal has been buying a shirt from shopping malls.
Passive Voice:A shirt has been being bouhgt by Jamal form shopping malls.
Active Voice:The crow has been stealing a piece of meat from a shop.
Passive Voice:A piece of meat has been being stolen by the crow from a shop.
Active Voice:The baby has been drinking a glass of milk.
Passive Voice:A glass of milk has been drunk by the baby.
Active Voice:I have been seeing a beautiful bird on tree.
Passive Voice:A beautiful bird has been being seen by me on the tree.
Active Voice:The man has been telling a lie.
Passive Voice:A lie has been being told by the man.
Active Voice:He has been looking at the Moon.
Passive Voice:The moon has been being looked at by him.
Active Voice:Mother has been cooking food for her baby.
Passive Voice:Food has been being cooked by mother for her baby.
Active Voice:Rahim has been learning English.
Passive Voice:English has been being learnt by Rahim.

Structure:Subject (Object of Active voice) + have been being/has been being (according to subject and number) + Past pariticiple form of principal verb + by + object (subject of Active voice)
Examples of Past Indefinite Tense:
 The Subject change into object and the object change into Subject. The principal verb converted to past participle form and was/were used before verb according to subject and number, a preposition by use before object.
Active Voice: I did the work.
Passive Voice: The work was done by me.
Active Voice: He did the sum.
Passive Voice:The sum was done by him.
Active Voice:I ate a mango.
Passive Voice:A mango was eaten by me.
Active Voice:They drew pictures.
Passive Voice:Picture were drawn by them.
Active Voice:Trina sang a song.
Passive Voice:A song was sung by Trina.
Active Voice:The boys played football in the field.
Passive Voice:Football was played by the boys in the field.
Active Voice:Bashir kille a snake.
Passive Voice:A Snake was killed by Bashir.
Active Voice:Dulal read the holy Quran.
Passive Voice:The holy Quran was read by Dulal.
Active Voice:The cow ate grass in the field.
Passive Voice:Grass was eaten by the cow in the field.
Active Voice:He did not drive a car.
Passive Voice:A car was not driven by him.
Active Voice:Hasan did not dig a canal.
Passive Voice:A canal was not dug by Hasan.
Active Voice:He did not know him.
Passive Voice:He was not known to him.
Active Voice:The man made a house.
Passive Voice:A house was made by the man.
Active Voice:We sang a Naat-e-Rasul.
Passive Voice:A Naat-e-Rasul was sung by us.
Active Voice:You flew a kite in the sky.
Passive Voice:A kite is flown by you in the sky.
Active Voice:The boy beat the dog.
Passive Voice:The dog was beaten by the boy.
Active Voice:The man help us.
Passive Voice:We were helped by the man.
Active Voice:My Father gave him a pen.
Passive Voice:He was given a pen by My Father.
Active Voice:The fishermen caught fishes in the pond.
Passive Voice:Fishes were caught by the fishermen in the pond.
Active Voice:Milton drew a picture.
Passive Voice:A picture was drawn by Milton.
Active Voice:Kamal bought a cap from shopping malls.
Passive Voice:A cap was bouhgt by Kamal form shopping malls.
Active Voice:The crow took away a piece of meat from a shop.
Passive Voice:A piece of meat was taken away by the crow from a shop.
Active Voice:The baby drank a glass of milk.
Passive Voice:A glass of milk is drunk by the baby.
Active Voice:I saw a beautiful bird on tree.
Passive Voice:A beautiful bird was seen by me on the tree.
Active Voice:The man grew corn in the field.
Passive Voice:Corn was grown by the man.
Active Voice:He looked at the Moon.
Passive Voice:The moon was looked at by him.
Active Voice:Mother cooked food for her baby.
Passive Voice:Food was cooked by mother for her baby.
Active Voice:Rahim learnt English form his teacher.
Passive Voice:English is learnt by Rahim.

Structure: Subject(Object of Active voice) + was/were (according to subject and number) + Past pariticiple form of principal verb + by + object (subject of Active voice)(subject of Active voice)
Examples of Past Continuous Tense:
Rule:The Subject change into ojbect and the object change into Subject. The principal verb converted to past participle form and was being/were being used before verb according to subject, a preposition by use before object.
Active Voice: Hasan was doing the work.
Passive Voice: The work was being done by Hasan.
Active Voice: He was doing it.
Passive Voice: It was being done by him.
Active Voice: She was eating rice.
Passive Voice: Rice was being eaten by her.
Active Voice: You were wirting a letter.
Passive Voice: A letter was being written by you.
Active Voice: They were doing the sum.
Passive Voice: The sum was being done by Them.
Active Voice: They were playing football.
Passive Voice: Football was being played by them.
Active Voice: Bashir was killing a snake.
Passive Voice: A Snake was being killed by Bashir.
Active Voice: Dulal was reading a play.
Passive Voice: A play was being read by Dulal.
Active Voice: The cow was eating grass.
Passive Voice: Grass was being eaten by the cow.
Active Voice: He was not driving a car.
Passive Voice: A car was not being driven by him.
Active Voice: Hasan was not digging a hole.
Passive Voice: A hole was not being dug by Hasan.
Active Voice: He was not knowing you.
Passive Voice: You were not being known to him.
Active Voice: The man was building a house.
Passive Voice: A house was being built by the man.
Active Voice: We were singing a Naat-e-Rasul.
Passive Voice: A Naat-e-Rasul was being sung by us.
Active Voice: You were flying a kite.
Passive Voice: A kite was being flown by you.
Active Voice: The boy was beating the dog.
Passive Voice: The dog was being beaten by the boy.
Active Voice: The man was helping us.
Passive Voice: We were being helped by the man.
Active Voice: My Father was giving me a pen.
Passive Voice: I was being given a pen by My Father.
Active Voice: The fishermen were catching fishes in the pond.
Passive Voice: Fishes were being caught by the fishermen in the pond.
Active Voice: Liton was drawing a picture.
Passive Voice: A picture was being drawn by Liton.
Active Voice: Jamal was buying a shirt from shopping malls.
Passive Voice: A shirt was being bouhgt by Jamal form shopping malls.
Active Voice: The crow was stealing a piece of meat from a shop.
Passive Voice: A piece of meat was being stolen by the crow from a shop.
Active Voice: The baby was drinking a glass of milk.
Passive Voice: A glass of milk was being drunk by the baby.
Active Voice: The boy was seeing a beautiful bird on tree.
Passive Voice: A beautiful bird was being seen by the boy on the tree.
Active Voice: The man was telling a lie.
Passive Voice: A lie was being told by the man.
Active Voice: He was looking at the Moon.
Passive Voice: The mood was being looked at by him.
Active Voice: Mother was cooking food for her baby.
Passive Voice: Food was being cooked by mother for her baby.
Active Voice: Rahim was learning English.
Passive Voice: English was being learnt by Rahim.

Structure: Subject (Object of Active voice) + was being/were being (according to subject and number) + Past pariticiple form of principal verb + by + object (subject of Active voice)
Examples of Past Perfect Tense:
Rule:The Subject change into ojbect and the object change into Subject. The principal verb converted to past participle form and had been used before verb according to subject, a preposition by use before object.
Active Voice: She had done the work.
Passive Voice: The work had been done by her.
Active Voice: He had done the sum.
Passive Voice: The sum had been done by him.
Active Voice: We had eaten dinner.
Passive Voice: Dinner had been eaten by us.
Active Voice: Rahima had written a letter.
Passive Voice: A letter had been written by Rahima.
Active Voice: Trina had taught the students in the class.
Passive Voice: The students had been taught by Trina in the class.
Active Voice: They had played football in the field.
Passive Voice: Football had been played by them in the field.
Active Voice: Bashir had killed a snake.
Passive Voice: A Snake had been killed by Bashir.
Active Voice: Dulal had read a play.
Passive Voice: A play had been read by Dulal.
Active Voice: The cow had eaten grass.
Passive Voice: Grass had been eaten by the cow.
Active Voice: He had not driven a car.
Passive Voice: A car had not been driven by him.
Active Voice: Hasan had not dug the soil.
Passive Voice: The soil had not been dug by Hasan.
Active Voice: He had not known you.
Passive Voice: You had not been known to him.
Active Voice: The man has built a house.
Passive Voice: A house had been built by the man.
Active Voice: They had sung a Naat-e-Rasul.
Passive Voice: A Naat-e-Rasul had been sung by them.
Active Voice: You had flown a kite.
Passive Voice: A kite had been flown by you.
Active Voice: The boy had beaten the dog.
Passive Voice: The dog had been beaten by the boy.
Active Voice: The man had helped us.
Passive Voice: We had been helped by the man.
Active Voice: My Father had given me a pen.
Passive Voice: I had been given a pen by My Father.
Active Voice: The fishermen had caught fishes in the pond.
Passive Voice: Fishes had been caught by the fishermen in the pond.
Active Voice: Liton had drawn a picture.
Passive Voice: A picture had been drawn by Liton.
Active Voice: Jamal had bought a shirt from shopping malls.
Passive Voice: A shirt had being bouhgt by Jamal form shopping malls.
Active Voice: The crow had stolen a piece of meat from a shop.
Passive Voice: A piece of meat had been stolen by the crow from a shop.
Active Voice: The baby had drunk a glass of milk.
Passive Voice: A glass of milk had been drunk by the baby.
Active Voice: She had taken a beautiful flower from a tree.
Passive Voice: A beautiful flower had been taken by her from a tree.
Active Voice: The man had helped a lame man on the road.
Passive Voice: A lame man had been helped by the man on the road.
Active Voice: The boy had looked at the starts.
Passive Voice: The stars had been looked at by the boy.
Active Voice: Mother had cooked food for her baby.
Passive Voice: Food had been cooked by mother for her baby.
Active Voice: Rahim had learnt English.
Passive Voice: English had been learnt by Rahim.

Structure: Subject (Object of Active voice) + had been + Past pariticiple form of principal verb + by + object (subject of Active voice)
